Wounded Victors

Originally given to me on Feb 16 2009:

I see men being empowered with authority in unity.   They are taking back ground that the enemy has been claiming as his.  I see families restored, marriages mended, father’s and sons coming together in healed relationships , minds being restored and renewed in Christ Jesus.   New men moving in power, love , compassion…..breaking chains of bondage Continue reading “Wounded Victors”

Look Forward

Many times I go to the woods behind my house to get away alone with God.  I listen for his voice and signs of his presence all around in his creation.  Today, the Lord gave me a vision of myself standing in that woods.  As I stood, I saw above me, in the sky, two streams of light converging in a v-shape towards me.  One from the right and another from the left.  The left was a dark light and the right a very white light. Continue reading “Look Forward”


On Tuesday, the 19th of Feb 2008, at Kent and Carla Henry’s prophetic class, while worshiping, this is what I saw.

All I saw were tree branches, bare tree branches like in the woods. Snow and ice covered them. They were lifeless. I felt myself in the woods along with others, but I could not see Continue reading “Trees”

Blood and Water

Above the earth in the heavens, I saw a man rip open his chest and simultaneously cry out with a tremendous roar. When his chest opened his heart literally burst open and spewed forth huge amounts of blood that splattered over the entire earth. Gushing forth, the blood created deep rivers that flowed through cities through the streets, the alley ways, over the farm lands, covering homes, flooding entire cities. Some areas where covered in a sea of blood and water, yes, water too. It seemed as if this blood fell into the waters Continue reading “Blood and Water”

The Stadium & the Treasure

This is a vision from February 22, 2006… God gave it to me. I used to get these visions while praying, and I was praying and once again I was pouring out my heart thinking and saying “I need You, Lord! I can’t turn to anything else.” So I’m praying and during that process some time has passed, and this is the way it usually happens – the thoughts just start to come and it flows and I just let it come.  Sometimes it comes in pieces Continue reading “The Stadium & the Treasure”